Torat Harav David Lebor
A collection of Rav David Lebor’s work for free download- books, articles, shiurim, recordings and videos.
About Rav David Lebor
Rabbi David Lebor, was born and raised in the USA, graduated from Queens College, New York and is a Certified Public Accountant. Instead of pursuing that career, he has dedicated his life to teaching Torah in Yeshivat Shaalvim. He received his Rabbinical Ordination in Yeshivat Shaalvim where he has been since 1972, first as a student, then as a Kollel fellow, Madrich of the Foreign Students, Sgan Mashgiach (Dean of Students), and Senior Ram and Lecturer, which is his current position. A former officer in the Israeli Army, he served as a chaplain in the Tank Corps in the Golan Heights. In the past he served as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Orot Hagalil in Hatzor Hagelilit, in Northern Israel, and has been on the faculty of Yeshivot Darche Noam, Mevasseret Yerushalaim, Midreshet Rachel, Nishmat and Shaalvim for Women. While on sabbatical in 1996, Rabbi Lebor founded the Kollel Torah Mitzion in Chicago, which today is the largest kollel of its kind in the world. Rabbi Lebor is the author of numerous articles and the Masechtot Le’Halacha Series, of which he has already published four volumes. He lectures on a variety of Torah topics and serves as a scholar in residence for religious tours and groups around the globe.
Rabbi Lebor and his wife Adina, are longtime residents of Yeshivat Shaalvim and are the proud parents of six children and numerous grandchildren, who all live in Israel.